Friday, December 6, 2019

Services Marketing for Yamaha Musical Corporation - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theServices Marketing for Yamaha Musical Corporation. Answer: SWOT Analysis of Yamaha Musical Corporation: Strength: Huge variety of instruments-They offers instruments such as recorders of all sizes from small to large, bass recorders as big as furniture, keyboards such as pipeorgan, piano and celesta, classical guitar andone hand recorder having a key system like saxophone and flute. Some other products include percussions such as drums, timpani and marimba. Long-standing and reputable corporate history-Yamaha is an expert in assembling musical instruments. Yamaha has remained yardstick in production of pianos and they are the only integrated manufacturer of musical instruments. Product quality is renowned worldwide Current market share and standing in market-The global market size of musical instruments stands at approx. 840 billion and the market share of Yamaha Musical Corporation stood at 23% (Yamaha Singapore 2017).Therefore, it can be said that Corporation hold a majority of shares of market and this is regarded as one of the competitive advantage over their competitors. Successful advertising campaign-Advertising and sales promotional expenses of Yamaha has been increasing year-on year. Yamaha has launched a new campaign along with a television advertising campaign. They participated in international in musical instruments international campaigns. All these contributed to making products successful Strategic Alliances- Several strategic alliances was conducted by Yamaha and is a part of organizations strategy to make worldwide expansion. They intends to provide solution having comprehensive solution in amplifiers and speakers. High amount of foreign investments-Yamaha is continuously expanding its presence in world by making investment in several countries. In Indonesia, Yamaha has built a new musical instrument plan and a new subsidiary. Corporation in many other countries endorses a range of musical instruments. Weakness: Poor service recovery-Recovery service of Yamaha Musical Corporation is poor as the staffs are not efficient enough to handle the students and they do not respond to cal in event of any queries. They do not make any effort to teach students as sought by their guardian (Music Lessons For Children In Singapore 2017). Environment of reception is very bad Poor enrolment screening- Implementation guidelines of enrolling students in reference to expulsion by Yamaha was questioned. For ensuring accuracy, it is required to conduct more research and while enrolling students there are no proper scanning done n part of organization (Yamaha Grade Examination Syllabus 2017). Competitive capabilities- The competitive capabilities of Yamaha is weakened due to inefficiency in several fronts such as incapability to manage its people and numerous competitive disadvantages faced by them (Yamaha Contempo Music School Apologises For Cancelling Flute Lesson Because Of Boy's Autism 2017). . Lack of technical expertise in company-Instructor at Yamaha are not willing to teach autistic boy as they were of the expertise that they did not had the ability and experience to manage such people. Yamaha Corporation does not have technical staff to deal with specific circumstances (Yamaha Music Apologises After Flute Instructor Refused To Teach Autistic Boy 2017). Opportunities: Strong corporate and capital background-Yamaha brand has been produced as a sound professional and with time, styles of doing business have evolved. They always intendto make higher capital investments and there has been significant increase in capital investments of musical instruments that has led to the creation of new musical schools. Furthermore, they have an additional paid up capital Research and development team-Original technologies are implemented by Yamaha in the field of acoustic musical instruments based on sensitivities about sound creation and seasoned production skills.An epoch making electronic technologies has been developed by Yamaha that helps in offering new ways of enjoying music and creating new values. Research is conducted for analysing the musical instruments vibrations (Yamaha Singapore 2017). Expanding product lines-Product line of Yamaha is numerous, the sales are gradually increasing, and in current scenario, they occupy a number one position. In various categories of product, Yamaha has a leading position. Increasing market shares from competitors-Compared to its competitors, Yamaha is enjoying increasing market share ion each categories of products. Threat: Lower switching cost-In recent years, competition in lower price segments has become intense and in each segments of musical instruments, Yamaha confronts its competitors. They are subject to competition from lower priced products in segment of audio equipment and the current strong position of organization could be impacted by greater competition in terms of price. In relation to this, they have the possibility of losing customer base as they can switch easily to their competitors. Increasing players in market- There are many other musical corporations willing to compete with Yamaha and in making certain instruments, there is no specialization on their part. Some of the competitors such as fender and Gibson have a better chance of selling their musical instruments as against Yamaha (Yamaha Singapore 2017). Slow market growth-Market for products of Yamaha is growing but the growth in on slower basis. The competitiveness of products is being reduced that is hampering business growth. Entrance of new competitors-Fierce competition is faced by Yamaha is each categories of products. New competitor producing same products are entering market that is reducing the competitiveness of business. Conclusion: Yamaha Musical Corporation is an organization operating on global scale and they are facing competition while expanding on foreign scale. From the above discussion of SWOT analysis, it can be said that they are continuously arriving and upgrading. In some areas, it is required by organization to have properly developed strategies to place their musical instruments and other related product in market. There has been continuous increase in sales and operating income targets that has led to achieving operating income margin and scope of higher income in future. References list: "Music Lessons For Children In Singapore: Where To Learn The Piano - Honeykids Asia". 2017.Honeykids Asia. "Yamaha - Singapore". 2017.Sg.Yamaha.Com. "Yamaha Contempo Music School Apologises For Cancelling Flute Lesson Because Of Boy's Autism". 2017.Asiaone. "Yamaha Grade Examination Syllabus". 2017.Sg.Yamaha.Com. "Yamaha Music Apologises After Flute Instructor Refused To Teach Autistic Boy". 2017.Channel Newsasia.

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